1460 Guard Leather Suede Lace Up Boots BLACK


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Product And Material
Decades of shoemaking heritage. Fused with some of the best leathers we can find. In our original Wollaston factory, we continue to craft DM's at their finest. These boots are built from a hybrid of two types of leather from Pittards, a world-renowned UK tannery that dates back to 1826. Made from a mix of the Pittards' Split Suede and Durango leather, the boots are set on a Smoke DMS sole and marked with our signature yellow welt stitching and a gold scripted AirWair heel loop.
  • Born on 01.04.60. Named the 1460. Over six decades, our 8-eye work boot has become iconic
  • Durango is a waxy pull-up leather with a naturally antique appearance
  • Split Suede is a classic short, soft suede
  • Made in England at our original Wollaston factory
  • Our Goodyear-welted lines are heat-sealed at 700 Celsius and reinforced with our signature welt stitch

A waxy pull-up leather with a natural antique appearance paired with a short, soft suede.

Care Instructions

For leather: Wipe away dirt using a damp cloth. Apply Dr. Martens Wonder Balsam to the outside of your footwear to keep the leather supple, strong and smooth. Once dry, buff vigorously to desired shine using a clean Dr. Martens Shoe Brush. Repeat regularly to prolong the life of your footwear.Clean by brushing with a suede or stiff bristle brush.


Goodyear Welted

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