2976 Mono Smooth Leather Chelsea Boots BLACK

  • SKU: L0ZY11TP

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Product And Material
The 2976 was the first Chelsea boot we ever produced, way back the early 70s. This minimalist edition comes in all-over black mono without compromising on Docs DNA: welt stitching, grooved edges and an AirWair heel loop. Crafted from tough-as-nails Smooth leather, the black boots are welted on our signature air-cushioned sole. Just as they have been for generations.
  • The rugged Docs take on the classic Chelsea boot. Manufactured since the 70s
  • Polished Smooth is the original Dr. Martens leather: super durable, with a smooth finish polished to a high shine. Clean with a damp cloth and care with Dr. Martens Shoe Polish
  • Our Goodyear-welted lines are heat-sealed at 700 Celsius and reinforced with our signature welt stitch
  • Built with core Dr. Martens DNA: grooved edges, an AirWair heel loop and visible welt stitching

Durable and famously stiff to start, our Smooth Leather can be polished to a dapper shine or artfully scuffed-up depending on your preference.

Care Instructions

Wipe away dirt using a damp cloth. Apply Dr. Martens Wonder Balsam to the outside of your footwear to keep the leather supple, strong and smooth. Once dry, buff vigorously to desired shine using a clean Dr. Martens Shoe Brush. Repeat regularly to prolong the life of your footwear.For more information on how to care for your Docs, visit our Shoe Care Guides.


Goodyear Welted

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