Maltby Slip Resistant Leather Work Shoes BLACK

  • SKU: D5MD1F4J

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The Edge SR range is designed for the service industry and those working on their feet for long hours who need reliable, slip-resistant footwear. Our innovative GRIP-TRAX sole is paired with a clean, DM's upper in soft, industrial-grade tumbled leather, and the shoe is loaded with a 100% recycled lining and an anti-microbial footbed to provide all-day comfort and reliability.
  • With sharp, defined edges that dissipate fluids on impact, our unique GRIP-TRAX sole offers superior traction on slippery surfaces
  • The materials used here allow moisture and air to pass through, enabling feet to breathe
  • This AirWair sole is heat resistant up to 300 Celsius (or 572 Fahrenheit) for 60 seconds
  • This boot helps protect against accidental contact with electrical charge by offering additional insulation from the ground
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