1460 Veg Tan Leather Lace Up Boots NATURAL


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To celebrate our 60th anniversary, we've created a new collection of footwear in our original Wollaston factory, using some of the finest leathers we could find. These boots are crafted from Horween's Essex - a vegetable-tanned leather made with all-natural materials. Essex takes over three years to develop, and is designed to age and build character with every wear. Over time, these boots will develop a unique patina and become your very own pair. They're tagged with a leather Horween label and gold-scripted heel loop.
  • Born on 01.04.60. Named the 1460. Over six decades, our 8-eye work boot has become iconic
  • Tanned with all-natural materials, Essex leather gets its character from daily wear. It ages to look better over time, developing a patina unique to each wearer
  • Made in England at our original Wollaston factory
  • Our Goodyear-welted lines are heat-sealed at 700 Celsius and reinforced with our signature welt stitch

Super supple, full veg tanned leather with a natural finish that will darken over time with wear and exposure to light.


Goodyear Welted

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