Arbor Women Steel Toe Chelsea Work Boots DMS OLIVE


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Product And Material
The Arbor boot has been designed to provide uncompromising protection for women in the workplace. Based on an Original DM's silhouette, the Chelsea boots have a slip-resistant sole and protective safety toecap. They're built from breathable Wyoming leather, with a SoftWair insole for maximum comfort.
  • Our Safety Toecaps conform to and exceed ASTM standard
  • Our unique GripWair sole design provides extra traction on slippery surfaces
  • Our SoftWair memory foam footbed ensures comfort from the first step
  • Wyoming is a rugged leather with a subtle grain and oily finish. Clean with a damp cloth and care with Dr. Martens Wonder Balsam
  • SAFETY SPEC: ASTM F2413-18 FI/75 C/75 EH

A slighty milled, snuffed leather, with a medium to heavy pull-up and a strong oily surface.

Care Instructions

Wipe away dirt using a damp cloth, allow to dry apply a clear wax based shoe polish to restore shine as desired. In the event of heavy scuffing or loss of color then clean as before but add a matching colored wax based shoe polish and buff up the leather with brush and cloth as required.


Goodyear Welted

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